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Regenerative Lifestyle

Coaching Session

Are you a health-conscious professional with a big vision for a healthy, abundant, joyful & energetic life but currently feel stressed out, burnt out, and running on empty?

Are you experiencing, headaches, back pains, restless nights, fatigue, and frustration with declining food, water & life quality?

Achieve 5 years of rejuvenation with my proven system for increasing high-quality nutritional energy & renewal.

Rewire self-talk & breakthrough self-defeating limiting beliefs.

Eat your way to vibrance, receive nutritional guidance, and learn the best choices you can make to be kind to the earth and to your body.

Train with Freedom Play Movement & Recover with Thai Yoga Assisted Stretch Therapy.

You will double your physical longevity and triple your capacity for regeneration and living in abundance.

Glow from the inside-out and live a happy, healthy, productive & quality filled Regenerative Lifestyle By Design.

Inner Ecology

Are you looking to heal your body and free yourself of pain, loose weight, improve your sleeping patterns, lower stress, improve your eating habits & regenerate your vitality ?

Outer Ecology

Are you looking to plant a garden that is filled with healing culinary, aromatic and therapeutic herbs, superfoods and veggies to support a regenerative vibrant lifestyle and would like to learn how ...

Women & The Earth

Are you a woman who would like to be part of growing a non for profit organization that supports a collaborative way of women helping women to become the natural healers that is their birth rite.

"Now I am inspired greatly to regenerate the Earth, Care for the people and heal through local organic foods and medicines every day!"

Through taking the PDC and learning in the classroom and in the garden, the more inspired I became. I started to realize that there were ways of living in community where stress is reduced, as is waste, and every action taken is with love and selfless servitude (just what I'm all about)! Now I am inspired greatly to regenerate the Earth, care for the people and the Earth, as well as heal through local organic foods and medicines, and have fun doing it every day!

Kelsey Cavanagh - Permaculture Yogi PDC Graduate, Yoga teacher, Shamanic Healer, Reiki Master

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The 3 Ethics For Planetary Harmony

The 3 Ethics For Planetary Harmony

June 01, 20171 min read

Perma-culture . The actual word stands for permanent - culture. It is the living example of an extraordinary lifestyle that designs and implements human living establishments that mimic the patterns of nature to recreate super healthy living environments. By creating such settlements we allow for a replenishing ever-renewing permanent culture rather than a degenerating polluting culture that exploits and diminishes quality of life.

Permaculture settlements are built with the next 3 ethics in mind :

  • Care for the Earth: Composting, permaculture gardens, plant propagating (medicinal and edible) , rain harvesting, proper grey and black water filtering though biologic processes, air cleanliness by having abundant vegetation and less carbon dioxides, utilizing passive and active solar energy.

  • Care for the People: Building community, trading, cooperating, natural plant medicine , healthy eating , community time banks, lending a hand to neighbors and friends with sustainable projects of their own .

  • Fair Shares / Share the Surplus: The excess yields from a permaculture gardens can now be shared . In a green economy nature becomes the resource of wealth the more we work with the Earth the more abundance we will have to share with our loved ones and those who surround us there is no real reason for hunger or nutritional lack .

Everything that we do in permaculture communities design comes back to following these 3 ethics. We must remember that the last 2 ethics always depend from the health of the first ethic. If we take care of the Earth then we receive abundance, it is only then when we can take care of the people and have fair shares.

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The Reawakening Of The Goddess

Discover the key steps that will help guide you on your path towards caring for the earth and the people so that you can transition from a scarcity based, polluting and toxic filled degenerative lifestyle into a fruiting, abundantly, rich and nature based healing regenerative lifestyle.


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Inner Ecology

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