For Inner Ecology

Feel Good, Look Good, Live & Regenerate!

Regenerative Lifestyle Design

Discover why taking time to become the designer of your own life is essential for your happiness, health and natural wealth.

Do you walk around living a life that simply was not designed by you and for you?

Do you live the life your society, culture and or parents told you, you should live but not the one you desire?

Do you often feel like you are operating on "auto" rather than living authentically the expression of life that you want to live?

Become the designer of your own lifestyle and take charge of the outcomes you want to thrive on.

Create a life of abundance and renewable self-sustaining energy that will double your vitality and capacity for renewal, rejuvenation & regeneration.

"Angie has helped every piece of me grow. Very profound work administered with ease by an always present, supportive, wise woman."

When I firs started working with Angie I was overwhelmed, stressed, and my anxiety was getting the best of me. I was completely off my center and if I got back on, it was for a fleeting moment mostly filled with ungrounded emotional confusion.

After working with the regenerative lifestyle design wellness success system I became more organized, clearer & more grounded, working with Angie helped me go deeper in myself and get clearer on my life. I would recommend it to anyone at any time in their life that where they require support and a system to get out of over whelm. There are so many aspects that make up a person, and my time with Angie has helped every piece of me grow. Very profound work administered with ease by an always present, supportive, wise woman. Thank you Angie!

Krista Shieffer

LMNT & Real State Realtor

The Yoga Of Elements

Ayurvedic Healing System

For Optimized Living

Daily Radical Self-Care Strategies For Renewal, Rejuvenation & Regeneration

The Sister Science Of Yoga Ayurveda States That Our Inner Eco-System Is Comprised Out The 5 Vital Elements.

Essentially We Are A Small Model Of The Earth & The Universe It Self!

Learn to design an appropriate diet, herbal regime, work, work-out & yoga routines which are specifically tailored for you or your client's specific constitution. Save wasted time trying to learn this complex healing system through reading books and endless online websites that leave you more confused than when you started, leaving you unmotivated to follow through or to apply the knowledge. You will be provided with a proven system to correct and heal ailments by simply learning the workings of natures laws within.

Ignoring The Elemental Attributes and their function within the body can result in the disturbance of harmony within. Causing the weight gain, aches, and pains.

By the end of this educational and experiential program, you will have the knowledge to tailor specific strategies for your unique mind, emotions, personality and body types

Heal many ailments naturally, quickly and easily

* Learn how to make natural healing herbal preparations, including tinctures, herbal syrups, infusions, herbal wines, salves, aromatically infused oils & other medicinal preparations

* Consume the proper types of foods and spices that assist your specific type of metabolism and condition

* Have the secrets of the Ayurvedic kitchen, yoga & meditation techniques that are unique for your constitutional type

* Build immunity naturally, safely & effectively

* Loose weight safely

* Heal emotional grief & mental stress

Click Below To Discover More

"The Intensive Ayurvedic Herbalism "The Yoga of Elements" healing program is a wonderful gateway into grasping the ancient concepts of a holistic medicinal lifestyle"

The Intensive Yoga Of Elements Ayurvedic Herbalism program is a wonderful gateway into grasping the ancient concepts of a holistic medicinal lifestyle. Angie is an amazing instructor who incorporates her expertise as an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Permaculturist into a very informative and easily deciphered educational program. The adaption of this lifestyle into my life has become effortless with the fundamentals that she provided. I highly recommend it!

Kelly Martindale-Morris

Esthetician, Holistic Makeup Artist

Inner Ecology Healing Menu

Immerse the senses in movement, breath, flow, & sensual rapture. Reawaken in a state of glory.

Services Menu Includes options below

• Natural Yoga

• Ayurvedic Healing System For Optimized Living

*** (Refer To Yoga Of Elements Above This Section)

Yoga is best done in nature, take in the elements as you de-stress get strong, flexible, focused and empowered. Natural Yoga is a style of yoga client's for your body type. At the end of this session, you will feel de-stressed, flexible, focused, grounded, motivated and empowered to face the day with clarity, and peace of mind.

Your first 1hr session is $57 after that is $77

1.5 hr session is $77

4 Sessions $197

10 Sessions $397

The traditional Thai Yoga Bodywork, which is known as Nuad Bo Rarn in Thailand, means ancient healing or sacred medicine. It is an Eastern form of therapy, which believes that to treat an illness, the whole body needs to be worked on, and not just a particular part. It has a deeply holistic approach and believes that in the human body, energies flow along a network of channels or lines also known as nadis in India or ‘meridians’ in China. Health in the Eastern philosophy is identified as a state of equilibrium between these energies, where the soul and the body is in accord with each other. Any imbalance in the flow of energies is equated to ailments. According to Ayurveda, our body is made up of one or a combination of three doshas [body types]—vata, pitta and kapha. The practitioner customizes the bodywork according to the recipients’ body type. Thai bodywork increases the mobility of all major joints, it opens meridians and major channels in the body, allowing life force energy to flow more freely, this will serve to restore sanity to the mind & vitality to the body. During this session, acupressure therapy is also included.

***Click Below On Discover More To Find Out About Our Offering Rates

Tantra is the bridge or glue between Ayurveda and Yoga. It is a subtle sensual yet profound yogic path offering guidance in removing physical, emotional and mental blocks that prevent you from feeling free and living a life of fullness overflowing worldly and spiritually. Tantra is the Yoga of love. Tantra is a beautiful way to heal wounded sexuality and give you back your body and your life. It combines the ancient spiritual arts of sacred connection to yourself and others. Using deep and intentional breathing, imagery and movement, tantra moves the kundalini or vital life force (prana) energizing the body's (energy centers) help you to build strength, clarity, and bliss in everyday life. By harnessing and embodying the five forces of the embodied experience with, Tantric healing will allow you to suggests we can move through the world with more confidence and contentment. Tantra is a 5,000-year-old ancient practice fusing mind, body, and soul with love-making and intimacy, solidify the connection and intimacy between partners. It taps into a beautiful and natural part of human existence. It is, at the very core, the practice of love. This session is integrated with Thai Yoga Bodywork and is then expanded to include more tantric breathing, visualization, and techniques to raise sensual energy up into the higher centers of being.

• Your first 1 hr session is $197 After that is $237

• Full 2 Hr Session Investment: $297

To build your own healing experience or to combine more than one of the above-mentioned experiences click on the link below and tailor your own healing journey.

"After having Angie as my Yoga Instructor, and with her Tantra Healing & Thai Yoga Body Work, I felt relaxed energized and revitalized"

After having Angie as my yoga instructor, and with her Thai Body Work and Tantric Healing treatments, I felt relaxed energized and revitalized. I highly recommend her services for folks who are overworked and stressed out. For those who are interested in a healthy lifestyle, Angie has a wealth of knowledge and experience and is willing to share an amazing experience with her clients.

Peter Hugh

Human Resources Consultant

5 Steps Towards A Regenerative Lifestyle Design

"Essentials Map"

Discover the 5 key steps that will help guide you on your path towards redesigning your life from a scarcity based, polluting and toxic filled degenerative lifestyle into a fruiting, abundantly, rich and nature based healing regenerative lifestyle.


Get Started

Free Regenerative Lifestyle Design Session

Free Online Resource Guide




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Inner Ecology

Outer Ecology

Women & The Earth



Copyright Permaculture Yogi 2024