Garden Grown

Growing will shave numbers off your whole foods bill!

Permaculture is a sustainable design system stressing the harmonious interrelationship of humans, plants, animals and the Earth, it is a way of life which shows us how to make the most of our resources by minimizing waste and maximizing potential. It teaches us to find ways to allow permanent cultures to exist, where all humans can live abundantly well while leaving the planet in better condition than what we found it in. Not forgetting future generations who will need food, water, and shelter just as much as we do now.

It's 'one planet living.

Where does true health come from?

You’ve probably seen hundreds of studies about the health benefits of eating lots of vegetables…

And it’s true! Fresh, organic food can help you jump out of bed with energy, get through your busy day with a clear mind, and best of all, prevent so many chronic diseases facing our culture today.

One of the best ways to ensure you are eating food that is jam-packed with nutrients is to grow it yourself, right at home.

Because plants start losing precious nutrition the minute they are harvested.

When you shorten the distance from harvest to plate, you can FEEL the vitality in your food.

Imagine your dream garden chock full of super greens that you can grow anywhere in days so you can get excited about what’s for lunch.

To help you with your vision, I can help you get started and grow!

"Taking this course has changed the way I look at the planet and my relationship to and with it."

After the Permacultureyogi PDC, where ever I am now I observe my environment with a permie mind, looking at ecological patterns; interactions of plants, insects, animals and birds; checking for wind and sun patterns, water systems and a regenerative culture. The principles of permaculture are valuable to an environmentally conscious, nutrition centric mind – it demonstrates how humans can be a part of the planetary system as an asset. Now I'm able to share what I have learned in a way that creates access to new ways of living.

Jennifer Clarke

Permacultureyogi PDC graduate, Yoga Teacher, NGO organizer.

Permaculture Regenerative Landscaping - Consulting, Design & Implementation.

If you would like to start living sustainably and apply permaculture design to transform your living headquarters into a natural oasis and healing foodscape but don’t know where to start and would like hand by hand one one one detailed consulting this is the perfect route to follow.

"Permaculture is a design science that balances community development with ecological sensitivity."

It emphasizes the harmonious interrelationship of humans, plants, animals and the Earth and shows us how to make the most of our resources by minimizing waste and maximizing potential.

In permaculture, we don't plant plants, we plant ecosystems and before planting we design.

It is a common saying for every hour of planting 100 hours of design is the best.

Benefits Of A Perma Design:

• Maximized use of land and space.

• Multi- layered garden planning which increases microclimates & diversity.

• Integration with your surrounding structures (home or business complex).

• Community involvement, education.

• Once design and implementation is established there's minimal effort in maintenance, minimized waste.

• Harmonious and healthy living environment.

At permaculture yogi we understand that so many ideas of edible gardens, desires of a functional ecosystem, wishes for it all to manifest and the infinite possibilities of what can be for a site can be overwhelming, to even just think what comes first ?

And that is why we work in stages through gradual design processes that we a guide by developing a clear vision of what the needs are for the individual, the home and or the community and for the ecosystem that is intended to be developed.

"Our Sacred Acres is exuberantly honored to be a demonstration of what a small group of people can accomplish together when working in harmony with the land, and is eternally grateful to Angie Gonzalez"

I invited Angie to be a part of launching our food sovereignty gardens. It was going to take a special person to accelerate the manifestation of this dream in the ways I could not myself facilitate. Thankfully, she accepted! Angie arrived a few short weeks later, observed, and connected so quickly to the vision - tuning into the harmonics of this land and of the people who came together to learn how to ground that dream into reality. She read the landscape, listened to the trees, researched the region, walked the woods, and studied the streams, slugs, and spring tendrils. Synchronicity danced with us as the patterns of nature revealed themselves in casually landed art pieces that inspired creative designs which she transformed into layers of tracing paper that drafted the blueprints for our permaculture design.

Our Sacred Acres is exuberantly honored to be a demonstration of what a small group of people can accomplish together when working in harmony with the land, and is eternally grateful to Angie Gonzalez for sharing her gifts so that we could come to know our own, so WELL.

Danielle Gennety

Founder of Our Sacred Acres Eco Village

Learn & discover ways to turn your living surroundings into an absolute healing edible & medicinal paradise that can feed you and your family for years to come!

Learn & discover ways to turn your living surroundings into an absolute healing edible & medicinal paradise that can feed you and your family for years to come !

In a world where hunger, drought, soil erosion, pollution of water, earth, air and massive exploitation of un-renewable resources is occurring along with the burning of fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal and natural gas which emit carbon dioxides and other toxic gases, our environment is slowly becoming a toxic waste dump swimming with carcinogens. These factors greatly influence the increasing rate of diseases today. Our health is intimately connected to the health of the planet. When the planet becomes polluted, our body also becomes intoxicated.

Our climate is also changing the face of the earth. We are currently undergoing a period of extreme desertification, where drought will put more pressure on mass scale food production.

In permaculture, we see these world challenges as permaculture opportunities where each one of us has the power to play our role to shift this paradigm.

Throughout the regenerative permaculture design certification course, you will feel empowered to learn that you can play your part in the world to preserve a diversity of seeds, herbs, super foods and pollinator insects such as monarch butterflies and bees who are becoming endangered.

You will learn how to design a diverse garden of edible & medicinal plants that can become a healing respite and an oasis for extending healing not only to ourselves but to bees, butterflies, birds and other living ones within the web of life.

During this course, you will gain experience in whole systems thinking

Pattern language recognition

Ethical based approaches to creating thriving, bio-diverse environments for people, place and planet.

You will learn about permaculture ethics, principles, observation, patterns, zones, sectors, micro-climates, site assessment and analysis, mapping and presenting. In addition multiple strategies for creating landscape and habitat design that enhances the long-term resilience, beauty, and quality of ecosystems. Upon completion of this two-week intensive you will gain your Permaculture Design Certificate.

"The Permaculture Yogi Design Course opened me up to a whole new world of understanding all the possible ways to connect and to heal Mama Earth"

I can't thank you enough, Angie Gonzalez ! The Permaculture Design Course we just completed has opened me up to a whole new world of awareness & understanding of all the possibilities we have to connect and heal Mama Earth. To anybody thinking of taking the Permaculture Yogi design course I HIGHLY recommend it. You'll learn invaluable tools and connect with a massive community of Gaia Warriors to help change the world for the better! Aho!

Jeremy Ho-On

Permaculture Yogi PDC Graduate , Yoga Teacher, Organic Farm Manager, Founder of Gaia's Student

5 Steps Towards A Regenerative Lifestyle Design

"Essentials Map"

Discover the 5 key steps that will help guide you on your path towards redesigning your life from a scarcity based, polluting and toxic filled degenerative lifestyle into a fruiting, abundantly, rich and nature based healing regenerative lifestyle.


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Copyright Permaculture Yogi 2024