With Thai Yoga Tantra Bodywork
You're probably feeling, stressed, burnt out and running on empty. If you're always working hard you know that you need to take time for yourself to rejuvenate in order to continue working and operating at peak performance.
By bringing in elements of Partner Yoga, Thai Yoga Bodywork, Acupressure, Ayurvedic Abhyanga Oiling Massage, Aromatherapy, Guided Breathing & Taoist Tantric Practices of Healing, you'll be taken on a journey where you'll experience a one of a kind healing holistic experience that facilitates a process of transferring sexual energy into the regenerative channel of life that heals the endocrine glands, organs, and energetic channels allowing sexual energy to be harvested and enjoyed as a rejuvenating tonic.
This sacred sensual regenerative lifeforce transmission is formulated by integrating ancient healing practices that allow for the efficient transformation of sexual energy into a fountain of youth.
Join Angie Rainbow G For A Thai Yoga Tantra Session To Transform Sexual Energy Into A Fountain Of Youth That Restores Your Life Force.
Thai Yoga Tantra Bodywork & Meridian Point Acupressure session will be enhanced with the following attributes below:
• Abhyanga oiling anointment a massage that’s done with oil. The oil is applied on the entire body, from the scalp to the soles of your feet applied by the therapist in a form of full-body rolling massage and also utilizing traditional long strokes along fatigued muscle groups of the body
• Guided Daoist Tantric Channeling of Kundalini energy through the Functional & Governing channel transmitting sexual outpouring energy inwardly into the endocrine glands, organs, and energetic channels assisting you to regenerate wasted, stressed out or eroded life force energy which causes symptoms of depletion, depression, anxiety, aches, and pains. Bringing you into a state of balance and regeneration
• Sacred medicinal potions formulated to relax, ease and center the mind, open the heart experience and invite consciousness expansion
• Visualization of energy flows that enhance your experience of the inner worlds so that you can go beyond time and experience liberation, freedom, and flow
•Gentle caressing of the sensual essence guided therapeutic touch experience of the embodied form with a focus on inward focus, healing and pleasure based rejuvenation.
Benefits :
You will benefit from a state of maximum freedom and pleasure in your body, enjoy free-flowing energy that liberates your consciousness from the time-bound experience into timelessness, ease, grace, and clarity.
Reduced stress, lowered blood pressure, reduced stiffness, increased skin blood flow, reduced appearance of wrinkles, improved skin smoothness, clear lymphatic drainage that allows the removal of body waste allowing detoxification and organ restoration, inducing better sleep and rejuvenation processes so that you can experience peak performance, creative functionality, and freedom living in your embodiment.
1 Tantrika (Taoist Thai Yoga Tantra Practitioner)
Single Session:
1 Hr Session $397
2 Hr Session Investment: $497
4 Session Package:
4 Sessions ( 1 Hr ) = $1,200
4 Sessions 2 (Hr ) = $ 1,600
8 Session Package:
8 Sessions ( 1 Hr ) = $2,000
8 Sessions 2 (Hr ) = $ 3,000
Sexual energy is one of the most healing energies which literally has the power to reverse the biological time clock, regenerate the endocrine glandular system and revitalize your physical, mental and emotional bodies.
When sexual outpouring energy is redirected into the energy body, the endocrine glands and into the organs it has the power to restore, replenish and rejuvenate your life force.
Sexual energy, when channeled up the spine and into the brain, is by FAR the MOST healing natural force that unleashes a number of positive naturally therapeutic neurological, responses that can support a healthy balance in the brain chemistry, balancing mood, and enhance positive healthy brain chemicals in the brain and throughout the central nervous system.
The common purpose of all yoga is enlightenment by bringing the kundalini energy from the root chakra into the higher centers of the crown chakra – finding a deep state of bliss that creates joy in feeling at one with all creation.
In White Tantra the path of sacred union is within, you learn that there are two passages of energy, known as Ida and Pingala, these are described as coiling upward in a spiral. These energetic twin traveling serpents form the medical symbol of the caduceus. When in balance we experience a state
of true health.
Through the movement of yogic breath when channeled effectively their traveling path up the spine the central rod of the kundalini life force energy is able to revitalize the whole being and as a result the practitioner of the yogic healing arts finds inner peace known as sattva a state of ethereal upliftment which leads to the true inner energetic path of inner balance.
When applying certain breathing techniques we can activate these energies by balancing the breathing between left and right nostrils. Through Nadi Shuddhi or Alternate Nostril Breathing.
In Red Tantric Yoga the path is predominantly a journey into ecstasy, with a partner, a lover whom you share sacred union with.
The practices in the sacred union also share the same spirit of enlightenment. Understanding that sexuality is an extension of our spiritual being for as long as we are in these bodies, we learn to direct sexual energy into the higher centers, of love, communication, vision, understanding, communion, and expansion.
By deepening the experience of intimacy and love, Tantrism allows us to experience oneness with our partner and most importantly with ourselves first. White Tantra Sacred Union Within is always a priority to Red Tantra for in order to be in a sacred union, first, we need to be whole within ourselves.
Surrendering ourselves to the sensual and sexual exploration of Tantra allows us to realize an unmatched union – a union that arises from the discovery of happiness and wellbeing in the self and in a partner that results in deep reverence for life and creation.
As taugh by Master mantak Chia in Daoist alchemy presents classical yin-yang theory as the cosmic pulsation of polarized positive-negative energy around a pole (chungmai or the central column of the spine) this is neutral Original Energy (yuanqi) that extends between Heaven and Earth.
The "ten thousand things" were procreated by the copulation of (xiantian) Heaven and (houtian) Earth, and yin-yang is their eternal multi-orgasmic movement.
The human sexual orgasm is an exquisite echo of that pulsation, and internal alchemy is the process of interiorizing within the physical body the cosmic subtle body love-making.
By getting one's human qi - especially sexual energy (jingqi) - to flow in rhythm and harmony with the hidden cycles of Nature, one's personal energy gates open to the cosmic flow of inner light and spiritual powers (de) of the Way (Dao).
Daoist practice of (wu wei) is attuned to nature, grounding and embracing of the feminine and masculine polarities through the Water and Fire subtle body practices, and a poetic yet scientific approach to spiritual development were the attractions.
Circulating sexual energy through the bone marrow, or using it to give substance to an inner "pearl", of energy which is then circulated through the core channels and eventually into subtle body dimensions Crystallizes subtle bodies in the lower dantian or root/sacral chakra areas which solves the problem of excess energy to the head practiced in traditional tantra.
Transmitting sexual outpouring energy inwardly into the endocrine glands, organs, and energetic channels assist you to regenerate wasted, stressed out or eroded life force energy which causes symptoms of depletion, depression, anxiety, aches and pains. Nurturing healthy, non-depleting physical sexual orgasm is just the beginning level of Daoist cultivation practice.
One goal of the therapeutic practice is to shift from a limited "genital orgasm" to a pleasurable and healing "whole body orgasm" through the in the Microcosmic Orbit (xiao zhoutian) meditation. Recent studies show the effects of this practice as a rejuvenative to the brain (huanjing bunaeo)
The Daoist model states that sexual energy is to be directed to move in the way nature intends to upcycle this energy through the nervous system in spirals, cycles, and orbits; the Microcosmic Orbit unifies the chakras into one.
Any energy movement up has to be balanced by a movement down, until one finally arrives at the still point of no movement at the intersecting center of the physical and subtle body, called the lower dantian ("field of the elixir") located at the sacral pool of the navel center. This is the doorway to pre-natal jing, from which all embodiment effortlessly emanates.
To bring down the energy from the third eye and back into the navel to then upcycle it back up in an endless loop of presence clears and purifies qi flowing into yin meridians, heart, navel and sexual organs. Divider
Join Me For A 2 hr Session Includes Following Healing Service Protocols:
• Thai Yoga Body Work & Acupressure: This session starts with Thai Yoga Bodywork & and is enhanced with the following attributes below.
• Color Silk Therapy: (Designed to stimulate the nerve receptors of sensation through the skin & nervous system through soft use of colorful fanning silks)
• Guided Daoist Tantric Channeling: Of Kundalini Energy through the Functional & Governing channel.
• Aromatherapy: Formulated
to relax, ease and center the mind and open the heart.
• Microcosmic meditation visualization Followed with the 6 healing sounds & inner smile transmutation
• Gentle Caressing Of The Sensual Essence: Blindfolded guided therapeutic touch experience of the embodied form with a focus on inward focus and concentration.
• Optional: Therapeutic Herbal herbal blend vape these are formulas that are formulated for consciousness expansion and increased bodily awareness vaped as part of the healing protocol
1 Tantrika (Taoist Thai Yoga Tantra Practitioner)
Single Session:
1 Hr + Session $397
2 Hr + Session Investment: $497
4 Session Package:
4 Sessions ( 1 Hr + ) = $1,200
4 Sessions 2 (Hr +) = $ 1,600
8 Session Package:
8 Sessions ( 1 Hr + ) = $2,000
8 Sessions 2 (Hr +) = $ 3,000
Outcomes :
1. Renewed Vitality: tiredness, depression, and dullness are
relieved with Daoist Thai Yoga Tantra For
Bodywork & meditation, stimulates the process of cleansing and purification.
2. Opening of the channels for vitality to return to the organs: blockages can stem from various stressors and or traumatic origins after treatment of applying precise methods of breath, bodywork, acupressure, aromatherapy, guided channeling practices of kundalini, energetic, transmutation there is a sense of relief, contentment, and freedom which brings relief to eroded organs suffering from stagnation & work overload.
3. Redirection Of Sexual Energy: Awaken's sexual energy to be guided in the path of the microcosmic orbit which channels this energy into a loop of endless rejuvenation.
4. Whole Body Healing:
Contrary to popular belief, the pinnacle of sexual experience is not supposed to be a brief and transitory moment of gratification, but rather an
extended state of circulating bliss
that lasts for several minutes or even hours. In this session we are retraining the nervous system from a genital outward and explosive orgasm which is short and fleeting.
Daoist Thai Yoga Tantra Bodywork
teaches you to harness the sexual energy into the whole body and distributes the sexual energy throughout the entire being, with breathing and visualization techniques that make it possible to experience whole-body, states of inner peace, self love and satisfaction without the need of intercourse.
Each regenerative healing lifestyle healing session is designed specifically for your needs
The healing session will be adjusted to appropriately suit your needs.
To accomplish your goals for a more vibrant, healing, balanced, ecological and regenerative way of life.
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