Regenerative Lifestyle
Coaching Session
Are you a health-conscious professional with a big vision for a healthy, abundant, joyful & energetic life but currently feel stressed out, burnt out, and running on empty?
Are you experiencing, headaches, back pains, restless nights, fatigue, and frustration with declining food, water & life quality?
Achieve 5 years of rejuvenation with my proven system for increasing high-quality nutritional energy & renewal.
Rewire self-talk & breakthrough self-defeating limiting beliefs.
Eat your way to vibrance, receive nutritional guidance, and learn the best choices you can make to be kind to the earth and to your body.
Train with Freedom Play Movement & Recover with Thai Yoga Assisted Stretch Therapy.
You will double your physical longevity and triple your capacity for regeneration and living in abundance.
Glow from the inside-out and live a happy, healthy, productive & quality filled Regenerative Lifestyle By Design.
Are you looking to heal your body and free yourself of pain, loose weight, improve your sleeping patterns, lower stress, improve your eating habits & regenerate your vitality ?
Are you looking to plant a garden that is filled with healing culinary, aromatic and therapeutic herbs, superfoods and veggies to support a regenerative vibrant lifestyle and would like to learn how ...
Are you a woman who would like to be part of growing a non for profit organization that supports a collaborative way of women helping women to become the natural healers that is their birth rite.
Through taking the PDC and learning in the classroom and in the garden, the more inspired I became. I started to realize that there were ways of living in community where stress is reduced, as is waste, and every action taken is with love and selfless servitude (just what I'm all about)! Now I am inspired greatly to regenerate the Earth, care for the people and the Earth, as well as heal through local organic foods and medicines, and have fun doing it every day!
Kelsey Cavanagh - Permaculture Yogi PDC Graduate, Yoga teacher, Shamanic Healer, Reiki Master
As a student of the ancient philosophies of yoga and a practitioner of permaculture, I often find my self in a paradox. What is more significant, honoring the subtle inner world found through meditation and inward practices or the attention given to the external body of the Earth?
In yogic texts we learn there is two fundamental forces that give rise to existence. Purusha is the primal spirit, consciousness, non matter, eternal, unmanifested, nameless, formless, timeless.
Prakruti is the great nature, creativity, manifested, matter, the creation, elements, Earth. In Hindu mythology we can see these depicted as Shiva and Shakti. The formless and the form.
From the marriage of these two Purusha and Prakruti, cosmic intelligence Mahat or better understood as the laws of nature are born. The laws of nature are simple; everything existent in a natural system has a cycle that serves the whole.
The tree sheds foliage, the foliage falls into the soil, the soil absorbs the nutrients from the foliage, the soil returns those nutrients to the roots of the tree, nutrients are delivered to the flowers then to the fruit. In benefit for others including ourselves.
Should we not contribute to the cycle of life by taking the fruit and giving back the remainders to the soil to restart the cycle?
This is a small example of something we can do it is called compost.
Most of the population hardly contributes with such a simple act. We spend energy at the expense of a system that is only giving and not receiving anything back from us.
Why do we do that? I ask myself. Cosmic Intelligence is also inherited to humans, we are part of nature so why are we so ignorant? As I study I find that the cosmic intelligence that we receive as perception is the referred to as the Bhuddhi. This perception has been watered down, filtered though the ego and the conditioning of a misinformed society.
We are now living in the Ahamkara the sense of separation.
We cannot possibly grasp the connection between us and the impact of climate change. The use of plastics, fossil-fuels, herbicides, pesticides, genetically modified seeds, limitless consumption of products and goods that require shipping from far off places, and the effect this has on the earth, environment, animals and people of less "developed" countries. The infrastructure of modern living are all part of living separately. Our every action does have an impact and is connected to the web of life.
What can you do ?
Take a permaculture training
Learn to live more ecologically
Make a compost
Get some of your friends to join you in your new mission to save the Earth
Ride a bike instead of a car
Take cloth bags to the grocery store
Reduce your waste
Ban genetically modified food
Form a sharing community where you can share things you have with neighbors
Plant a food garden
Is there any way for us to pluck ourselves out of the illusion of Maya that we have believed to be true?
That is called awakening. Awakening to the fact that every plant, animal and rock is sentient, that we live in a living organism, that we are a cell in the organism of nature and knowing that we can act as a cancer or part of the immune system of this super organism we call Earth.
Will you choose life or death of the planet with your lifestyle?
To come back to your spirit the Purusha meditate feel the pulse with in you.
To come back to the Earth the giver of life Prakruti. Sow seeds, return the fruits you take into the womb of the Earth the soil.
The essence of all beings is Earth, the essence of the Earth is water, the essence of water is plants, the Essence of plants is humans, the essence of all is great Purusha
Chandogya Upanishad I. 1.2.
The creator and the created they are one. To honor the creator we must honor the creation.
Discover the key steps that will help guide you on your path towards caring for the earth and the people so that you can transition from a scarcity based, polluting and toxic filled degenerative lifestyle into a fruiting, abundantly, rich and nature based healing regenerative lifestyle.
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Free Regenerative Lifestyle Design Session
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Inner Ecology
Outer Ecology
Women & The Earth