Probiotic Herbal Elixirs
Molten Lava (Balances Vata & Kapha)
Earth Flow (Balances Vata & Pitta)
We recommend making a large batch of tea to last you a few days. Take time to enjoy your tea preparation, develop a ritual around making your tea as a way to honor yourself and your healing process. Your tea blend has been specially formulated for balancing your inner elements (please Take Your Elemental Constitution Questionnaire to determine your Dosha & the blend most appropriate for you) .
Bring to boil 4-6 cups of water. Once water comes to a boil, take off heat. Mix up herbs to ensure that all seeds and leaves are blended together and add 4-6 teaspoons of herbal tea mixture to water always use 1 teaspoon of herbs per cup of water. Let steep for 5-10 minutes then strain and store tea in thermos. Take your tea with you where ever you go. Enjoy 4-6 cups per day, hot or cold.
Compost herbs after straining.
Take A Breath Herbal Infusion Minty, Fresh & Flowery: Increases Vata Dosha & the elements of Air & Space. Brings light, cleansing & cooling qualities to the body mind. Contains: Chamomile, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lemon Verbena, Cornflowers, Rose Petals, Stevia Leaf, Nettles.
Molten Lava Herbal Infusion Holy Spiced Chai: Increases Pitta Dosha & the elements of Fire & Water. Stimulating & Spicy. Brings sharp & warming qualities to the body mind. Contains: Holy Basil Rama, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom, Cloves, Fennel, Long Pepper, Licorice root, Marshmallow root, Echinacea purpurea root, Orange peel.
Earth Flow Herbal Infusion Smooth Mellow & Mallow: Increases Kapha Dosha & The Earth & Water Elements. Sweet, Grounding & Earthy. Brings moisture giving nourishing & nutritive qualities to the body mind. Contains: Violet Leaf, Marshmallow, Meadowsweet, Shatavari
Ingredients Are Subject To Change Depending on Bioregional & Or Seasonal Factors & Will Be Announced If So.
Molten Lava (Balances Vata & Kapha)
Earth Flow (Balances Vata & Pitta)
Spray down the front and back of the body surrounding the energy field or "Aura" of your body affirming daily affirmation as you spray. This spray is also great to consecrate sacred spaces or ceremonies with healing aromas.
All of our ingredients are (Organic & Responsibly Sourced)
Take A Breath Cool & Crisp Auric Spray: Increases Vata Dosha & the Elements of Air & Space. Brings light & cooling qualities to the body/mind. Contains: Ylang-Ylang, Lime, Spearmint, Lavender, distilled water infused with mantra sound and healing vibrations.
Molten Lava Warming & Spicy Auric Spray: Increases Pitta Dosha & The Fire & Water Elements. Stimulating, Spicy. Brings sharp & warming qualities to the body/mind. Contains: Clove, Rosemary, Blood Orange, Grapefruit, Distilled Water Infused with mantra sound and healing vibrations.
Earth Flow Sweet & Grounding Auric Spray: Increases Kapha Dosha & The Earth & Water Elements. Sweet, Grounding & Earthy. Brings moisture giving & nutritive qualities to the body/mind. Contains: Vetiver, Clary Sage, Lemon, Distilled Water Infused with mantra sound and healing vibrations.
Ingredients Are Subject To Change Depending on Bioregional & Or Seasonal Factors.
Molten Lava (Balances Vata & Kapha)
Earth Flow (Balances Vata & Pitta)
Water kefir cultures are found around the world, they are a good probiotic. Water Kefir is similar to Kombucha but completely different to kombucha, with different bacteria and yeasts, different nutrients, different therapeutic benefits and a totally different flavour. You can't compare or replace the one with the other.
Think of kefir as a drinkable probiotic supplement, and kombucha as more of a digestive aid. Water kefir is lactic acid ferment where kombucha is more of an acetic acid ferment. This is what gives them their distinctive tastes.
Water kefir is a magnificent source of beneficial bacteria; it also contains a variety of enzymes and organic acids, and a range of B vitamins, vitamin K and folic acid. Water Kefir can help you to achieve your optimal health, strengthen your immune system. Water kefir is something you and your family can drink every day.
These elixirs or "probiotic fizzy brews" are infused with our signature herbal blends making them extra powerful in their therapeutic value.
All of our ingredients are (Organic & Responsibly Sourced)
Take A Breath Herbal Probiotic Fizzy Brew Minty Fresh & Flowery: Increases Vata Dosha & the elements of Air & Space. Brings light, cleansing & cooling qualities to the body mind. Contains: Chamomile, Peppermint, Spearmint, Lemon Verbena, Cornflowers, Rose Petals, Stevia Leaf, Nettles.
Molten Lava Herbal Probiotic Fizzy Brew Holy Spiced Chai: Increases Pitta Dosha & the elements of Fire & Water. Stimulating & Spicy. Brings sharp & warming qualities to the body mind. Contains: Holy Basil Rama, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom, Cloves, Fennel, Long Pepper, Licorice root, Marshmallow root, Echinacea purpurea root, Orange peel.
Earth Flow Herbal Probiotic Fizzy Brew Smooth Mellow & Mallow: Increases Kapha Dosha & The Earth & Water Elements. Sweet, Grounding & Earthy. Brings moisture giving nourishing & nutritive qualities to the body mind. Contains: Violet Leaf, Marshmallow, Meadowsweet, Shatavari
Ingredients Are Subject To Change Depending on Bioregional & Or Seasonal Factors.
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